Saturday 2 March 2013


HAA..Ni reason kedua knp sy start blogging. Sbb bln ni ada promosi OSTEMATRIX. Ostematrix dh byk ubah keadaan sy yg selalu sakit belakang, sengal2 badan, menjadi ibu yg cergas, x mengeluh sakit pinggang lagi.

Bole baca notes ni: sy copy dr FB sy:


Ini adalah kali pertama sy create entry semata2 utk ceritakan betapa gembiranya sy dah seminggu tidak mengalami back pain. Apa yg peliknya? Kenapa sy gembira? Kan normal kdg2 rasa sakit pinggang, sakit belakang? Mungkin itu yg sesetengah orang fikir. Tapi tidak bg org seperti sy yg setiap hari berdepan dengan masalah back pain! Hampir SETIAP HARI! Kebiasaannya sy rs sakit ketika dan selepas mandikan anak2. Bila membongkok mandikan mereka, rs sakit. Bila nk tegak semula LAGILAH SAKIT. Kena tegak perlahan-lahan, then sy pasti rs nk lenturkan badan ke belakang.

Bila sy mula2 rs sakit belakang? Ketika hamil 4-5 bulan anak pertama pd thn 2008. Permulaannya sy tak mampu gerakkan punggung apabila baring selepas membuat kerja berat. Then sakit on off, selepas bersalin 6 bln sy rs sakit bila membongkok. Sy assume akibat epidural ketika bersalin kerana slps itu sy jarang sakit belakang.

2011 selepas sebulan melahirkan anak kedua, sy mengalaminya semula malah lebih teruk. Jatuh terduduk krn x mampu menanggung sakit dan tak mampu menegakkan badan. Terbongkok2 masuk ke kereta, suami bw ke hospital. Dipendekkan cerita doktor sahkan sy ada SLIPPED DISC, selepas melihat result MRI.

Sepanjang dua tahun dr 2011-2013, sy dh biasa jalani fisioterapi. Sy pergi bila dh tak tahan sakit. Selebihnya sy exercise sendiri di rumah. Painkiller sy tak makan, sbb tak nak biasakan diri.

Yg sy rasa AMAZING dlm seminggu ni sy perasan sy tak sakit ketika mandikan anak2. Sy terfikir sbb suppliment yg sy ambil ke? Hari ni sy basuh toilet, berus baju anak2. Dan sy bole berdiri tegak tanpa rs sakit LANGSUNG! Ya Allah nikmatnya tak terhingga. Suami ucap Alhamdulillah kerana dia yg menyaksikan betapa sy menahan sakit selama ini.

Tanpa berlengah, sy terus search ttg back pain sbb sy nk confirmkan adakah betul suppliment yg sy ambil selama sebulan dh membantu sy. Ini hasilnya:

Long-Term Strengthening Supplements:

Glucosamine sulfate
Some cases of back pain result from weakened bones or cartilage or a slipped disk (an intensely painful condition). Glucosamine helps build cartilage, including the tissue supporting spinal disks. This supplement is especially good for long-term use; it may take two months or so to see benefits.
Suggested dose: 500 mg 3 times a day. Best to take on an empty stomach, but can take with food if needed.

Calcium and magnesium
Both calcium and magnesium are bone-strengthening minerals. Magnesium also seems to act as a muscle relaxant.
Suggested dose: 600 mg calcium and 250 mg magnesium a day. Take with food for best absorption. Calcium and magnesium can also be purchased together as part of a bone-building formula.

A trace Mineral, boron is often included in extra-strength multivitamins. Boron helps the body absorb calcium and magnesium.
Suggested dose: 1 to 3 mg a day. Take with food.
Pain-Relieving Supplements

Any Inflammation that affects the bones in the spine or the muscles, cartilage, nerves, or other tissues supporting the spine can bring on pain. Niacinamide, a form of the B Vitamin niacin, can be an effective anti-inflammatory. It also helps heal damaged cartilage.
Suggested dose: 500 mg 3 times a day. Take with food to minimize digestive upset. Physician monitoring is needed during treatment because niacinamide, like all forms of niacin, can damage the liver if taken in these high doses. The supplement may also aggravate diabetes, low blood pressure, bleeding problems, glaucoma, gout, liver disease, or ulcers.

YE, sy baca info di atas dan sy CHECK kandungan tersebut di label botol suppliment sy. Dan sy kata, patutlah ada improvement. Ye, semuanya ade.

Sy teruskan reading.

Research has identified specific active anti-inflammatory ingredients in this Herb that are commonly referred to as boswellic acids. In animal studies, these acids have been shown to significantly reduce inflammation in several ways: they deter inflammatory white cells from infiltrating damaged tissue; they improve blood flow to the joints; and they also block chemical reactions that set the stage for inflammation to occur in chronic intestinal disorders such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Specifically, Boswellia may help to:
  • Ease osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Boswellia can be taken internally as well as applied topically to affected joints to relieve inflammation associated with these joint disorders. This may lessen morning stiffness and increase joint mobility. However, research has been conflicting. In an early study of 175 patients with rheumatic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, a crippling joint disease, 122 participants experienced reduced stiffness and inflammation two to four weeks after starting on a Boswellia regimen. Out of the 122 patients who indicated improvement, 17 noted recurrence of symptoms within 10 days of being switched to Placebo treatment. (1-4) Studies indicate some forms ofBoswellia have shown efficacy in improving osteoarthritis symptoms such as pain, motility and mobility compared to conventional medication or placebo, but the herb did not produce measurable improvements in degree of disease. (5-7) A 2007 review of 15 studies examining the use of herbal formulations to treat osteoarthritis found the evidence for Boswellia serratagum resin is insufficient to rate for this use at this time. (8)
  • Decrease back pain. Boswellia's anti-inflammatory properties may help to reduce aching and stiffness, especially when associated with low back pain and sports injuries. However, research is limited and inconclusive. The 2007 review described above also examined the use of the same herbal formulations to treat lower back pain, and results for Boswellia were insufficient to rate for this use as well. (8) Although the limited research indicates that Boswellia is best taken orally for this purpose, creams may be soothing as well.

YES!!! Sy puas hati sbb sy tau kenapa back pain sy hilang! Mungkin sakit akan kembali tp sy bersyukur sgt2 sbb DPT MERASA nikmatnya tiada back pain! Semuanya atas IZIN ALLAH, tp kita perlu berusaha. Sebulan intake n sy nmpk hasilnya.

I'm willing to help others. PM/ whatsapp Za: 0196658703. Sharing is caring :-)


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